Desktop Wallpaper and Screensaver – EarthView


EarthView is an innovative wallpaper and screensaver that offers stunning imagery of Earth during daylight and night shadow. Images up to 2560×1600 resolution provide high quality visuals while many options allow total customization of view parameters.

These breathtaking 3D images are taken by virtual photographers navigating Google Earth to locate eye-catching shots, giving your desktop computer an extra special look and making you stand out. The results are simply jaw-dropping!


Google Earth makes it possible to explore our planet in three dimensions and with stunning satellite imagery and zoomable maps that allow for close up views of mountains, 3D buildings, or underwater exploration – giving a new way of looking at life!

DeskSoft EarthView produces vibrant, high quality images for any screen resolution – up to 4K! It supports map and globe views, urban areas with city lights, atmospheric effects such as clouds or time displays, local time display as well as local time display – not consuming much resources while looking stunningly attractive!

EarthView allows you to easily select different maps and switch between them on each monitor, with access to satellite photos from NASA and Visible Earth provided at different times throughout the year and supersampled for optimal display on graphics cards with enough texture memory.

Realistic 5-km maps uncompress to about 100 MB on your hard disk while seasonal 3-km maps expand up to 500 MB! Please be aware that weather details require a paid subscription in order to access them.


EarthView features an optional cloud overlay to depict our planet at night, atmospheric effects, local time display and more – making it the perfect desktop wallpaper or screen saver with intuitive controls that are fun to fiddle with! It makes an engaging desktop wallpaper or screen saver with great graphics for desktop screens or TV screens alike!

Noctilucent clouds, also known as Polar Mesosphere Clouds, are wispy clouds found at the edge of our atmosphere. First observed after Krakatau’s eruption in 1883, scientists have since determined that their formation is caused by melting tiny ice particles in the upper atmosphere while their brightness indicates they contain water vapor.

NASA data forms the basis of this cloud overlay, with procedural GLSL techniques used to render more realistic clouds – unlike terrain where texture resolution is limited to 2 km per pixel. By adding hires structure textures with noise modulated images for Cumulus clouds even small Cumulus can produce apparent details with 100-m x 100-m resolution!

Although this level of detail may be sufficient for viewing Earth from space, it does not provide enough realism for spaceflight simulation. To create more lifelike conditions in Flightgear simulations, more dynamic weather systems are required. To make Earthview and weather system share visibility maps.


Google Earth View has taken some of its most striking landscapes and turned them into wallpapers that will bring home just how small we truly are. Use these wallpapers on both desktop computers and mobile devices!

These wallpapers can be downloaded for free through Earth View Gallery or Chrome extension, with each new update adding 1000 new wallpapers optimized for today’s high-resolution displays. In addition to that, upgraded imagery was added for more locations as well as a color map to search landscapes by color.

Once you’ve selected a wallpaper, it can serve as the background or lock screen on an Android device. As a screensaver option, your chosen picture may even display different images from various locations around the globe every hour or two!

If you prefer, the app can automatically cycle through images for you by tapping the ‘Show Map’ button on the home screen and selecting locations from a map to shuffle; once downloaded, images come in 1800×1200 jpeg format with copyright ownership attributed to DigitalGlobe; otherwise this app requires Internet connectivity to download/upload photos on Windows 11+ devices.


DeskSoft EarthView is an effective Windows program that lets you add beautiful images from around the globe as wallpaper and screensavers for your PC. The application offers various settings for day/night views, clouds, cities and projection type/viewpoint – plus installation is easy! Plus it comes equipped with an intuitive user interface!

EarthView is a real-time dynamic wallpaper that displays a high definition view of our planet Earth in real time. Refreshed periodically, EarthView shows an actual snapshot of what life looks like on the globe at any given time – perfect for relaxing and soothing the mind. This feature makes EarthView one of the best tools available today to those seeking mental respite and recreation.

This free utility offers multiple viewing options such as day and night views, clouds, cities and so forth. Furthermore, image quality can be adjusted based on hardware capabilities – for a more realistic experience, be sure to activate True Color option.

This program can serve both as wallpaper and screen saver for your computer, with several unique features that make it useful such as showing movies shot at specific locations around the world using GPS information in video files.

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