Elden Ring Review

Elden Ring continues the legacy of FromSoftware’s acclaimed series with an unnerving plot and engaging combat. Additionally, Elden Ring brings with it new mechanics and quality-of-life improvements such as a jump button and the option to summon creatures such as wolves for assistance during battle.

FromSoftware has put their human touch at the forefront in a game that frequently rewards exploration with weird interactions, secret areas, and even power-ups. Being able to revisit old areas by leveling up feels especially rewarding.


Elden Ring will feel familiar to any fans of FromSoftware games in its past; its gameplay remains tightly balanced between regenerating stamina meter regeneration and hitting precisely at the right moment. Every turn brings new danger and challenge – if any danger becomes too great simply adjust your approach or change direction; any fan of FromSoftware games will recognize this pattern of struggle, setback, perseverance and triumph that pervades all their titles.

Elden Ring now boasts much more to offer than just tight, cramped spaces where blood has flowed freely and towering bosses have left their mark in years past. It offers an expansive world to discover and its landscape is truly captivating; developers have even added cutting-edge features like Ray Tracing to further enrich Elden Ring. It’s simply breathtaking.

This game from FromSoftware also boasts greater depth than previous entries in their series, featuring an advanced stealth mechanic to enable surprise attacks against foes. You can sneak up behind them out of their field of vision for backstab damage or run directly towards them to evade attacks altogether; making combat and main dungeons in particular much more varied than before.

Crafting is another major change to the game, enabling you to craft useful items and upgrades for your character. Crafting upgrades can help improve gear while also being essential in completing many main dungeons – giving the game added depth and customizability.

Veterans of the series will love this game, while newcomers to its predecessors should find it an ideal introduction. While it doesn’t tell you where to go, but instead will punish any deviation from its critical path. Furthermore, this title remains true to its roots: successfully navigating its world requires constant vigilance and an unwillingness to endure pain.


Elden Ring features stunning graphics that stand out from other FromSoftware games. The landscape is vast and filled with an abundance of things to see and explore – everything from roaming sheep that run away when approached to towering knights and flame-breathing dragonflies – plus it is highly immersive – it can easily consume hours spent exploring its depths.

At FromSoftware games, the player takes on the role of Tarnished, an exiled warrior tasked with tracking down pieces of Elden Ring and Erdtree which have fallen apart. Doing this requires skill, determination, and perseverance – characteristics which fans of other FromSoftware titles have come to appreciate and admire. Likewise, its story unfolds similarly via conversations with NPCs as well as text-heavy lore.

Elden Ring offers an intricate balance between power and speed that’s characteristic of all FromSoftware titles. It utilizes elements from Dark Souls’ class-coding system, Bloodborne’s dodge mechanics and speed, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice to craft its combat experience; making for something that feels like three or four titles all rolled into one!

Parents: Elden Ring has been classified as M for Blood and Gore, Language, Suggestive Themes and Violence. There’s a considerable amount of violent content within Elden Ring from severed body parts to dismembered creatures that may prove too intense for young gamers. FromSoftware is widely known for producing games with intense violence; Elden Ring may prove too violent even for them.

Elden Ring can be difficult to play on less powerful systems, particularly those using older hardware. Some players are experiencing framerate issues which prevent them from enjoying it to its full potential despite using powerful GPUs and processors. Thankfully, Elden Ring’s development team are aware of these problems and working on a patch which should become available shortly to help users with less powerful systems experience it fully – for now though we recommend playing it on console if possible.


FromSoftware games are like Christmas for fans of masochistic fantasy RPGs, and Elden Ring is truly amazing. Packed full of monsters to battle with powerful weapons to best them in an immense arena bursting with visual splendor and thrilling puzzles to solve, no FromSoftware game has ever offered more content!

As with FromSoftware’s previous titles, combat in Soul Reaver is brutal yet rewarding, familiar to players of Dark Souls, Demon’s Souls or Bloodborne. The controls are well-mapped and intuitive – with the Y button activating your shield while bumpers and triggers control attacks. A new feature allows players to switch freely between left- and right-handed weapons for maximum damage output by two-handing large swords or shields with maximum ease.

The music in Battleborn is both epic and menacing, evolving during combat to increase intensity. This serves to alert you when enemies are nearby and provide satisfyingly orchestral background noise for each sword swing or axe slam – great ways of knowing when enemies are nearby and satisfyingly walloping them back against a score! Additionally, its sound effects provide excellent feedback – each swing of sword or slam of an axe creating satisfying noises of attack and defense!

Elden Ring may not feature a narrative-driven plotline, but it does feature intriguing bits of lore. The developers have provided ample room for speculation and interpretation — including further investigation of at least one unsolved mystery — while its true narrative centers around how powerful individuals dominate society by suppressing any opposition or pushing the rest of humanity into submission to their rule.

Elden Ring may have an epic scale, but it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The game offers a healthy dose of humor alongside the serious themes it explores – be it an album cover for an evil troll or Jason and Argonauts-esque skeletons; Elden Ring offers memorable scenes that keep players coming back even when tired or frustrated; it’s evidence that an exceptional game knows exactly what its goal is and delivers with flying colors!


Elden Ring stands apart from From Software’s earlier games by taking a different path; yet, it remains very much its own game. FromSoftware tends to give away very little while demanding much from players in its world-building, and Elden Ring follows this approach perfectly. Exploration and discovery remain core aspects of FromSoftware world-building while this approach also makes the world feel more real and alive.

The Tarnished are exiled citizens from Erdree who have returned to the Lands Between to track down and claim as their own the fragments of Elden Ring that remain scattered across them. It’s up to the player to decide how best to approach this task, with information coming through NPC dialogue, in-game text, item descriptions, combat encounters and music changes that reflect intensity or presence of enemies – an addition which further amps up FromSoftware games’ sense of urgency and danger.

Veteran players of FromSoftware titles will be familiar with the core combat fundamentals, which remain as solid as ever. A rapid-recharging stamina meter makes attacking more strategic by forcing players to decide when and how they want to attack, forcing them to choose whether risking an attack for key loot or conserving energy for more crucial tasks is best suited. Furthermore, environmental tension-building tools like haunted mansions filled with evil spirits or caravans that seem straight out of Jason and the Argonauts add further tension by creating tension using other than just regular combat.

Elden Ring offers an immersive world, filled with the rhythms of struggle, setback, and perseverance that are characteristic of From games. Although at times difficult and frustrating, Elden Ring’s strength lies in its beauty; an action-RPG that expands their labyrinthine worlds. Elden Ring adds another chapter to From’s proud history.

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