Elden Ring Review

elden ring review

FromSoftware’s Dark Souls games are well-known for being difficult, and Elden Ring follows that tradition while providing a more welcoming world for exploration while keeping true to their fans’ love of darkness and fear.

Combat remains at the core of this game, offering both weight and precision that rewards patience and skill. Your spectral steed Torrent makes for effortless climbing over great heights while simultaneously speeding past foes in droves.


Elder Ring is not for those prone to anxiety or unprepared. FromSoftware games are known for being punishing, yet this one stands out with regular tutorial pop-ups making the experience more accessible than previous entries in the series. That being said, playing it requires absolute focus and devotion from everyone involved if one hopes for a positive result.

Successful players of Doom III will find themselves immersed in an astonishing world filled with monsters and intimidating bosses that feel dangerous at every turn. FromSoftware has outdone themselves here with most dungeons boasting two or three unique bosses as well as some that morph their appearance or moveset for maximum difficulty.

Combat in FromSoftware’s Souls game is much more varied than previous installments thanks to their desire for players to have multiple ways of approaching each challenge. There are new perks that allow sneaking up behind foes or ambushing them with backstabs; plus your horse Torrent can double-jump for rapid movement between fights – this along with expanded stealth mechanics makes fights less one-dimensional!

Elden Ring’s combat is unarguably more accessible than previous games, yet this comes at the cost of progression. Without linearity or set progression points to follow, failure to beat bosses or complete dungeons doesn’t matter nearly as much – though fans of the studio still appreciate its intense difficulty level, making Elden Ring an enjoyable introduction for newcomers to its series.

Elden Ring may not be everything some fans were hoping for, but it remains a solid RPG with impressive open world settings that offers a rewarding experience. Combat is intensely challenging while its massive landscape holds many mysteries which are both fun and intriguing to uncover.


Elden Ring offers an expansive open world experience from FromSoftware and does not provide much handholding in terms of guideposts; rather, golden Graces act as guideposts guiding players towards story beats; otherwise exploration is up to you: there are castles, catacombs and dungeons to explore and every enemy you defeat yields souls which can be used at bonfires as level up points.

Elden Ring may lack handholding, but that doesn’t make it any less captivating. Elden Ring’s world of dangerous eldritch creatures requires constant care as even taking precautions might result in something reaching you and biting back! Director Hidetaka Miyazaki’s work often creates this sense of peril as every hilltop or cliffside brings its own risk from supernatural creatures that lurk nearby – as in Demon’s Souls or Bloodborne!

This game follows in the same footsteps of its predecessors in terms of gameplay mechanics: attacks are executed using shoulder buttons; targeting and dodging are functionally identical; enemies drop souls that can be spent levelling up at bonfires; however, one notable difference lies within its open world environment: initially dense with lore and offering choices between character classes with one boss battle after another that’s designed not to be won; the more time passes however, more the open world world becomes an ever-intensifying challenge that eventually wears down patience – leaving nothing but exhaustion as time marches onward.

However, most castles, catacombs, and other enclosed areas feel similar to what one would experience in traditional Souls-like games – adding extra challenge while familiarising oneself with combat system as enemies can be dodged or attacked more effectively. This helps players familiarise themselves with combat system as they familiarise themselves with enemies that need evading and attacking more effectively.

As such, what distinguishes this game is its co-op mode. Though recruiting teammates to assist during fights may not be as streamlined as its multiplayer predecessors, co-op play nonetheless makes the genre more accessible to newcomers.

Elden Ring takes what was established in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and expands on it, offering an engaging open world that places freedom and exploration at its center. FromSoftware has done an incredible job creating an exceptionally captivating adventure while incorporating full Dark Souls gameplay.


Elden Ring stands out as an impressive feat by FromSoftware; unlike previous titles that used the world as an open canvas for players to explore, Elden Ring’s design places verticality at its heart. This stunning achievement sets an outstanding new standard in this genre; traversing terrain from swamplands and prairies evoking exploration and discovery is unparalleled; coupled with jaw-dropping weather effects and breathtaking architectural styles; not forgetting devastation evidenced throughout with ruined areas littering its landscape from warring demigods that has left devastation everywhere you turn – you will truly understand this world from within its very core!

Elden Ring expands upon its verticality by including several features that make interacting and understanding its systems simpler, such as creating basic consumables on-the-fly and streamlining leveling up processes. Furthermore, players no longer need to return to a hub area – instead respawning at any Site of Grace is now possible! Besides these changes, Elden Ring features day/night cycles as well as an impressive assortment of enemy types.

Even veteran Soulslike gamers will likely find plenty to challenge them in Elden Ring. The combat is more nuanced and refined than most FromSoft titles; rather than memorizing attack combinations, Elden Ring places greater emphasis on positioning; enemies will adapt themselves in response to your actions.

FromSoftware has again demonstrated their skill at crafting compelling worlds through Elden Ring’s rich and engaging lore. While its narrative may not take center stage, you will always learn something about its history through characters and the environment itself. Elden Ring stands out in an age when many triple-A games seem like tedious chores; its combination of Dark Souls’ sense of discovery with Bloodborne/Sekiro’s foreboding atmosphere proves Elden Ring an outstanding example of what this genre can accomplish when done well; indeed it truly brings alive! The Lands Between await!


Elden Ring’s vast open world is truly magnificent, featuring beautiful Erdree trees with blood-flecked rings glinting in the sunlight and hideous enemies lurking around every corner. Unfortunately, such an appealing game can be so challenging to play – particularly for newcomers to director Hidetaka Miyazaki’s signature style of gameplay.

Dark Souls and its sequels have long been notoriously challenging games, but Elden Ring throws up formidable roadblocks that make progression impossible without dedicated partners. Although FromSoftware strives to make Elden Ring more approachable than previous titles, this journey still proves challenging.

Elden Ring boasts a multiplayer mode, enabling players to fight together with friends in specific parts of the world. Similar to previous titles, Hosts must activate cooperative play by interrogating an Effigy of Martyr, a small golden structure used as summon sign. They then can summon Phantoms that assist with combatting enemies or bosses; it is up to them where these Phantoms go.

Elden Ring follows in the tradition of past FromSoftware games by employing its trademark “souls” system, with enemies dropping souls upon being killed and players levelling up at bonfires. But Elden Ring adds its own special twist: enemies and bosses themselves can also drop souls which enable high-level characters to defeat even toughest foes.

One way this distinction manifests itself is in the world’s castles, dungeons, and catacombs – often challenging yet constrained environments that become even easier when navigated with another person by your side.

Another facet of multiplayer interaction that stands out is combat. While exploring, players usually hear low-volume orchestral tracks; when entering battle the music intensifies dramatically. This signal lets the player know they are approaching dangerous areas while making for an exciting experience walloping enemies with an epic orchestral score!

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