Elden Ring Review

Elden Ring, FromSoftware’s epic fantasy title, has exceeded expectations in nearly every way. A massive game that offers punishing action and rich lore-rich exploration as promised in their previous games.

Combat remains as rewarding as ever, from dodging an attack or timing a dodge to avoid it to backstabbing foes for a critical hit.


Elden Ring is an epic RPG developed by FromSoftware that takes the ball dropped by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and runs with it, creating a fascinating world characterized by freedom and exploration above all else. Yet despite this lofty goal, Elden Ring still manages to deliver OnSoftware games’ signature experience: an engaging gameplay.

Combat against enemies who punish reckless behavior remains as engaging and thrilling as ever, whether you use sword and shield, bow and arrow or horseback combat tactics. Your mount, Torrent is truly amazing; climbing sheer rockfaces like a mountain goat while providing escape routes thanks to his speed and nimbleness.

However, this freedom does not come without its challenges. The Lands Between is an unpredictable place full of factions and their political maneuverings that make exploring dangerous. Unfortunately, its history can be difficult to follow due to survivors reciting cryptic dialogue that provides only limited insight into its plotline.

Elden Ring features an abundance of bosses, from Crumbling Farum Azula’s towering presence to her tiny minions wandering underground. Each boss is distinct; however, some can become repetitive if faced multiple times in optional dungeons and events; but that is all part of FromSoftware’s masterful level design and their uncanny ability to craft memorable encounters.


It’s an enormous game that rewards careful exploration. You’ll spend hours traversing castles and ruins, exploring interiors of towers and strongholds with impressive architecture and visuals; climbing steep rockfaces; crossing ancient ruined bridges that seem far below; traversing steep and sheer rockfaces, as well as traversing long bridges high above ground that seem interminably distant; as well as massive areas hidden inside dungeons or catacombs which will require further investigation either on foot or horseback!

Elden Ring offers an alternate take on world building: one that relies less on expository cutscenes for world development than on environmental storytelling. Every aspect of Elden Ring seems masterfully designed to reveal deeper social histories hidden deep beneath its surface – from haunted churches and shacks, to how an individual skeleton taps his or her head against the ground – that await you to uncover them.

Elden Ring’s unique appeal lies in its sense of discovery; you’ll keep coming back to its massive open world over and over, trying to piece together its mysteries and conspiracies. From item descriptions, dialogue options with NPCs and landscape exploration – every clue could lead you closer to unravelling its secrets!

Elden Ring, like all FromSoftware games, can be difficult to play but offers players who persevere a sense of depth and complexity that few other titles provide. Elden Ring combines what FromSoftware has accomplished in previous titles with an open world experience that’s both beautiful and deadly – making this title worthy successors to Dark Souls and Breath of the Wild.


Elden Ring features one of FromSoftware’s most captivating and captivating atmospheres yet. Breaking away from paralleled maps that have defined previous games, Elden Ring offers an open world full of secrets for discovery – be it towering castle gloom, golden tree beauty or the mysterious atmosphere of deserted temple. There’s always something new waiting to be discovered!

Elden Ring features an all-voiced cast of NPCs who bring the characters to life through natural dialogue. This helps create an immersive experience that draws players in as though they were present rather than watching an artificial story unfold before them. Furthermore, Elden Ring’s combat system keeps players challenged and eager for more.

Elden Ring can initially seem overwhelming, yet those who persevere will discover an immense reward. The game presents a deep level of challenge not solely reliant upon fast reactions or quick reflexes – instead it requires players to recognize enemy patterns and uncover flaws in their defenses, as well as gain unique weapons and armor that are rewarding to use, plus an amazing sense of achievement when mastering combat.

Elden Ring is an outstanding example of open-world design and storytelling. It captures the feeling of visiting an unfamiliar yet familiar environment and sets an excellent precedent for how this genre can evolve through innovative gameplay mechanics and world creation.


Elden Ring brings alive a world of once glorious grandeur but now decay. Its landscapes are littered with crumbling monuments from when once this region was home to an imperial power; their grandiosity reminding of it all. Meanwhile, Elden Ring’s drab interiors provide thrilling PvP combat that keeps opponents guessing what type of build their opponent may come equipped with.

Elden Ring’s combat is an absolute pleasure, rewarding those who take their time perfecting their style with weighty and precise actions that allow players to hone their style over time. From hacking away at an undead dragon or climbing up sheer rock faces, to hacking away at undead dragons or galloping across ravines on your horse Torrent galloping ahead, making thrilling escapes possible, its graphics are impressive and immersive – you won’t want to put down this game!

Elden Ring stands out with its vast world, which can be explored freely at your own pace and in any direction. This nonlinear progression marks an extreme departure from FromSoftware’s previous games which restricted your progress through difficult bosses and dungeons.

As you explore, Elden Ring’s music adapts to your environment, transitioning between low-volume orchestral tracks when exploring and increasing in volume when enemies are nearby, providing an effective means of conveying tension and urgency as you explore. This small but important detail adds greatly to its quality – Elden Ring truly stands out for bringing FromSoftware’s legendary action-RPG experience into an expansive open world and offering up an unforgettable adventure experience.


Elden Ring offers captivating sound effects to draw players in and draw out tension in battle as well as when exploring its vast world. From weapon impacts against enemy bones to nearby leaves rustling in the breeze, Elden Ring immerses you in its world with captivating and effective sounds that help draw out tension and anticipation from its immersive gameplay experience. Furthermore, an adaptive music system adds another dimension by changing intensity depending on whether combat has begun.

George R. R. Martin has created a captivating and captivating world for Elden Ring that is both deep and captivating, setting the story’s foundation with strong storytelling elements that combine with game mechanics seamlessly to deliver an experience both challenging and rewarding. Although he does not directly participate in its narrative, his impact is clear in every corner of its expansive setting – full of monstrous creatures, cackling dancers, memorable characters that both stand out and are relatable – not to mention unforgettable gameplay elements which seamlessly integrate into its dynamic and immersive gameplay elements seamlessly to give Elden Ring its unique feel – Elden Ring!

Anyone familiar with Souls or Bloodborne will feel at home in Elden Ring’s moment-to-moment gameplay. Customizing and upgrading equipment are enjoyable processes, while mastering combat feels both fair and deeply satisfying. Unfortunately, however, managing stamina carefully is essential – enemies may quickly deplete it in one hit!

Elden Ring stands out as more accessible for newcomers to FromSoftware’s series than previous titles in that it provides quality-of-life improvements such as more frequent checkpoints and easier health management, but still maintains a level of difficulty that challenges players – it even permits leaving and returning later should you fail a boss battle!

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